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Color Family And Hex Code

Flesh Color Hex Code and Information

Color Family and Hex Code

Flesh color belongs to the Pink color family with a hexadecimal color code of FF7D40.

HEX Color Code Breakdown

The hexadecimal RGB code of Flesh color is FF7D40, composed of:

  • FF for a red value of 255
  • 7D for a green value of 125
  • 40 for a blue value of 64

Decimal Representation

The decimal value of Flesh color is 16766627.

Lighter and Darker Shades

A 20% lighter shade of Flesh color is E6BD8A, and a 20% darker shade is E6BD8A.

Related Color Information

  • Peach color is named after the pale color of a peach's interior flesh.
  • Flesh color is represented by the hex code FFCFA2.


